
A Legacy of Giving

Back when Shelley was a single mother of two children and needed help from House of Friendship, she included a gift in her Will to ensure others could receive support too.

For Shelley Holmes, giving back is part of her heritage.

Shelley, who has served at House of Friendship for more than 27 years, grew up in a family that made sure that others had what they needed.

“I always remembered what my mom used to tell me: if you’re living, breathing and you’ve got enough for yourself and a bit to share, you make sure you share. I always took that to heart.”

This was the case even when she went through a difficult time as a single mom.

“At times, I struggled to make ends meet,” said Shelley. “House of Friendship was always there for me and my kids.”

With that support in her time of need, Shelley decided to include House of Friendship in her Will – even though she was on her own, and her children were still young.

“Naturally, I wanted to make sure my children were looked after. But what about those who had no one to look after them?”

Shelley gave back as she could, donating a little bit at a time, and volunteering. But she wanted to do more. She wanted to make sure that the work she has dedicated her life to will continue – now and into the future.

“I always think that if a struggling single mom with young kids can leave a gift to charity in her Will, anyone can,” said Shelley.

Shelley’s gift in her Will helps ensure that the vital work of House of Friendship will continue.

If this is something you are passionate about too, please reach out to us. Contact Margaret Lucas, Development Director, at 519-742-8327 x 122, or margaretl@houseoffriendship.org or visit www.houseoffriendship.org/Wills for more information.

A gift in your Will can leave a lasting legacy that will impact generations, building a community where no one is left behind.

Posted on: September 25th, 2020

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