
Additional Counselling Services Now Available

House of Friendship is pleased to now offer additional counselling services to the range of care that is already available through House of Friendship’s Addiction Treatment Services programs.

As of June 1, 2018, House of Friendship offers counselling for individuals, families and groups with addiction or substance-use concerns, as well as problem gambling, internet use and gaming. Formerly offered by St. Mary’s Counselling Services, this voluntary integration of counselling services was supported by the Waterloo-Wellington Local Health Integration Network (WWLHIN) at a board meeting in March.

This integration of addiction services with one provider provides an opportunity to improve service delivery by:

This transition builds on the long history House of Friendship has of working with individuals from all walks of life in need of support through our Addiction Treatment programs including: rapid access clinics, community withdrawal support, specialized services for those who are pregnant, intensive day treatment, health workshops and residential treatment.
House of Friendship staff are reaching out to former St. Mary’s Counselling Services clients to help with the transition, but former program participants are also welcome to call 519-742-8327 x 216 for more information.

Those seeking a referral to this, or other House of Friendship Addiction Treatment services, can call 1-844-437-3247 (HERE247).

For more information about these new counselling services, as well as the full range of Addiction Treatment services provided by House of Friendship, visit www.houseoffriendship.org.

Posted on: May 24th, 2018

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