
Camp Can Help Change the Odds!

Camp was a lifeline – not a luxury – for Chris when he was eight years old. Going to camp was something he would have never been able to experience. That’s because his mother was divorced and on her own, with no extra money to spare.

She was so determined, however, to give Chris an opportunity to go to camp that she arranged a payment plan to make it happen. Chris was able to grow in independence, make new friends and spend time around strong male role models. He went on to become a camp counsellor himself, and eventually became a teacher. Camp changed the odds for Chris, leading him to a better future.

Research is clear that when children grow up living on low income, poverty stacks the odds against them. Without intervention, they will face a lifelong struggle, with fewer opportunities for education, more health problems and a shorter life expectancy.

With your support of our Summer Camp Sponsorship Program, you are changing the odds for children living on low income, because camp helps children develop social skills, resilience and have a better chance to face the challenges before them. All of this helps equip children to overcome the barriers that poverty creates.

To learn more, or to send kids to camp, visit www.houseoffriendship.org/sendkidstocamp. Thank you for your generous support to help change the odds for families in Waterloo Region!

Posted on: August 2nd, 2019

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