
Dignified Treatment that Works

Robin is on the journey to recovery from a traumatic brain injury and addiction.

Robin was only 12 when he had his first drink. Even then, he knew it was trouble.

That euphoric feeling came over me, and I was terrified. I knew right away to keep it a secret.”

Robin grew up around family and friends who struggled with alcohol.

“It was a real party culture that I grew up with,” said Robin. “It was normal to drink.” Robin started playing in a band in high school and continued to drink heavily. When he was 18, his life changed forever, with a car accident that almost killed him.

This gave Robin a reality check. He tried to make some changes – quitting drinking, and starting counselling. For a time, things got better.

On the outside, he was succeeding. He got a job as a recording technician in a studio, and even worked in Hollywood for a time.

But alcohol and drugs continually pulled him back. At one point, Robin even became homeless.

Robin continued to struggle, but he couldn’t figure out why – until he was finally given a clue.

A counsellor noted that Robin had likely experienced a traumatic brain injury in his car accident, and that could be playing a role.

It wasn’t until he came to House of Friendship’s Residential Addiction Treatment Centre, though, that Robin finally got the help he needed.

“The hoops I had to jump through before were just taken away,” said Robin.

Because Robin was able to meet with an onsite doctor as part of the care he received while in treatment, he was quickly referred to Traverse Independence, which specializes in brain injuries.

Robin continues to receive support through House of Friendship’s after-care program while he waits to get into Traverse.

In his many years of struggle, Robin said nothing was quite like the care and support he received through House of Friendship.

“Something transformative happens when you arrive, in the way you are treated. It showed me this is a new culture. They treat you with dignity here. House of Friendship does it better than anywhere else I’ve been.”

Thank you for walking with people like Robin. You are helping to remove barriers to addiction treatment!

Posted on: October 6th, 2023

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