
Feels Like Coming Home

The help Cory received as a youth when he lived near the Greenway Chaplin Community Centre inspired him to take on the community work he does today with House of Friendship.

For Cory, his new role as Community Development Worker at House of Friendship feels like he is coming home.

In a way, he is.

As a child, Cory lived in affordable housing in Cambridge, near Greenway Chaplin Community Centre. There, his family received help from Patti, a Family Outreach Worker – who still has this role today at House of Friendship.

“He was a very happy, always smiling young man with a bit of quiet confidence to him,” said Patti.

Cory was a young teen when he moved to the area. The community centre was a place for him to hang out, make friends, and, at times, a little money – as he took on roles such as leader in training for summer camp.

“It just felt like a safe place for me,” said Cory. “Now, I know that we needed support in a lot of different ways, but for me it was just a great place to hang out.”

Cory and his family stayed connected, even after they moved abruptly one night because of domestic violence.

Even though it took him a very long bus ride to go to Greenway Chaplin, Cory took a part-time job there during this time, just because of the community he had found there.

As an adult, Cory went to school with service in mind.

When looking for work, he found out about the role at House of Friendship, and was quick to apply.

“I knew I had to work at House of Friendship – it’s in my DNA. This is what I want to do, the difference I want to make.”

It’s because of your ongoing support of our Neighbourhoods programs that children like Cory can get the help they need to change the odds that poverty stacks against them. Thank you!

Posted on: September 11th, 2020

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