
Having An Impact – Every Month!

Katy Robinson has made charitable giving a priority – and it was a lot easier than she thought it would be.

Katy Robinson has made charitable giving a regular part of her life.

The 27-year-old became inspired to give after hearing a sermon from her pastor that pointed out there is never a good time to start giving.

As an engineer who works in construction in downtown Kitchener, she was also inspired to give as she started to see people who were struggling.

“I could see the problem of homelessness, and how people were marginalized. I didn’t really know how I could help, so I wanted to give to House of Friendship.”

While still a student, she found it challenging to decide how much to donate. Her income would fluctuate as she went from paid co-op placements to in-class lessons. But after graduation, when her income stabilized, she took a look at her overall budget and realized that monthly giving would be perfect for her.

“I set it up, and I don’t have to think about it,” said Katy.

She also likes knowing that her regular donations help support ongoing programs at House of Friendship and is part of the solution to the challenges she sees others facing.

Katy has had many conversations with others her age who would like to give, but are often stuck with researching all the different organizations, trying to get the best impact for their money.

But while they are researching, Katy notes, their donation could have already made an impact.

“I encourage people to just get started,” said Katy. “It doesn’t have to be much to make a difference.”

If you’d like to learn more about becoming a monthly donor, contact us at 519-742-8327 x 131.

Posted on: April 16th, 2021

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