Tater, one of our Potato Blitz mascots, poses with Executive Director, John Neufeld, in 2019!
You played a vital role in the fight against hunger by helping struggling families and individuals across the community, since the need for food has not gone away.
This year – more than ever – you demonstrated how our community is stronger together. Thank you to all the grocery stores, volunteers, faith communities, businesses, and community partners who collected donations or donated directly to the cause! You helped us reach our goal of raising $45,000 for the Emergency Food Hamper Program.
“The incredible results of this year’s February Potato Blitz is yet another example of how this community steps up to make sure no one gets left behind,” says Dawn Gill, House of Friendship’s Development Officer.
Next year, we hope to see you in person! Thank you for your generosity and spud-tacular support.
And remember, there’s still time to give! Click https://www.houseoffriendship.org/how-you-help/donate/donate-online/ to make a donation to help fight hunger in our community.