Dawn Gill: New Job, Same Values

Dawn Gill’s recent career change might sound like a sharp departure from her longtime role as House of Friendship’s Development Officer.

Certainly, her current position as Constituency Coordinator for her Member of Parliament invites a lot of questions about the ins and outs of political life. But she simply sees it as another way to remain focused on tackling social inequality, just from a different position.

“I think, if you want to say I love you – say it now. If you want to give a gift – do it now.”

Dawn firmly believes that the only way to build strong communities is for each of us to jump in and take action, starting with the simplest acts: “Whether that means donating, volunteering, or being an authentic ambassador in the community … all those things add up,” she says.

That grassroots thinking led Dawn and her husband Rodney to explore the idea of leaving a gift in their Will to House of Friendship.

They discovered how accessible legacy giving is. “To borrow a catchphrase,” Dawn says, “we realized we’re richer than we think! We decided rather than wait for the ‘wealthy’ to take action, how about a whole bunch of folks just each do a little bit?”

Leaving a Gift in her Will allows Dawn to continue to strengthen her community and keep her values alive. It’s a simple act of kindness that keeps adding up – for years to come.