
Generosity for Generations: Bruce’s Story

Bruce and Marj Weber are leaving a gift in their will to House of Friendship

Meet Bruce Weber

“There’s a saying among farmers my father used to tell me: This isn’t really my land; I’m just borrowing it from my grandchildren.”

For Bruce Weber, this saying was a guiding principle in his father Norm’s life – and it stayed with him.

“Everything he did was to ‘pay it forward,'” said Bruce. “That’s why he made a gift in his Will to House of Friendship – and why my wife and I have made the same commitment.”

Bruce grew up without having much. He remembers going down to the store with his Dad, listening to him ask for just one more week to pay of his account.

But he also remembers his father being full of grace when it came to dealing with those who owed him money.

“Even in poverty, he was as man of unparalleled integrity.”

He also saw how his father sacrificially gave of his time, by serving on the Property Committee at House of Friendship. When Bruce became older, he also became involved, first as staff, then as a member of the Property Committee, then Committee chair, before serving as Board President.

“When Dad told me he’d made a gift in his Will to this organization we both loved so much, I knew it was the right decision for me, too. It’s a true expression of my faith and deep love for my community. And nothing could be better than knowing I will leave the world in an even better place, and our family’s life-long work in our community will continue.”


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