
“I’m Proud of the Family We Have Today”

The McKenna family – Eileen, Damien and daughters Mara and Kara, are able to face the future with hope.

Earlier this year, Damien and Eileen McKenna did something that many families take for granted – they planned a summer vacation.

“When Damien was drinking, we couldn’t do this,” said Eileen. “It’s March – anything could happen between now and August. We could never plan that far ahead.”

Just over 10 years ago, Damien found freedom from addiction through House of Friendship’s Men’s Residential Addiction Treatment program. When Damien entered the program, Eileen had given up any hope of saving her marriage.

“I felt like he had ruined everything. I was so angry with him,” said Eileen.

But slowly, as Eileen saw the changes as Damien progressed through the program, she saw a new future for her family. As she and her daughters, Mara and Kara, visited Damien, she began to see glimpses of the man she loved.

Now, a decade later, her family enjoys an active, healthy life – Mara playing on her soccer team and taking on a leadership role at school, while Kara is an avid dancer.

Damien and Eileen are both excited to see the completion of our Addiction Treatment Centre in Cambridge, a facility which your donations have made possible. The centre will be the new home for our Men’s Residential Addiction Treatment program, along with providing day treatment and counselling for individuals, groups and families.

“If someone we knew needed help, I know where we would send them,” said Eileen. “We are so very thankful that addiction treatment like this exists so that more families like ours will be helped.”

“I’m proud of the family we have today,” said Eileen. “I see the successes, the life we’ve had. Our family’s life could have been very different.”

Posted on: August 7th, 2020

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