
Join Us Tomorrow for Sweet Beginnings!

You’ve heard the highlights in local media – now we want to share with you the inside scoop on why ShelterCare is now getting National attention!

We are learning so much every single day. It’s now clear that ShelterCare can be the triage for those who are homeless and help individuals exit the cycle of homelessness for good. As a result, today our vision is bolder than ever before and we just have to share it with you!

Your support is moving individuals towards health and housing. You are actually TRANSFORMING our model of sheltering in this community….and it is making a huge difference!

Let’s talk about it! Please join Executive Director John Neufeld and Jessica Bondy, Housing Director, online this Saturday, October 24 from 7-7:30 pm! Learn more how your support is making some incredibly SWEET BEGINNINGS possible. You will also hear Roy share his personal story of staying at our Shelter, and about our move to the Tower at the Inn of Waterloo last week.

Posted on: October 23rd, 2020

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