
More than Food

A young girl’s artwork to thank Wanda for helping save her mother’s life.

It was a chance encounter, a moment that changed everything.

A woman in despair found the support she so desperately needed at our Emergency Food Hampers program.

It was a normal day for House of Friendship staff Wanda Zimmerman, who had just finished helping a family. She had given one of the children a little treat before realizing there were more children in the family, so she followed them to the parking lot to provide more treats.

It was then that she saw a woman, walking by in a daze.

“Something didn’t feel right,” said Wanda. “Something didn’t look right.”

She went over to the woman and asked if she was okay.

“She couldn’t speak. Then I said, ‘Would you like a hug?’ I hugged her, and she cried so hard,” said Wanda. “I did not know she had planned to end her life. She was going through a nasty divorce, lost her children, and had no hope to live.”

Wanda was able to bring the woman into the building, keeping her safe until paramedics arrived. That timely intervention led to the woman getting the help she needed.

“Her children drew this picture to say ‘thank you’ for saving their mom,” said Wanda. It’s a picture she keeps on her bulletin board as a reminder of that day.

“This is what keeps me coming back every day to House of Friendship. It’s more than just serving food to the community,” said Wanda.

“It’s listening to their needs, their desires, their hopes, their dreams. And then working together to make it a better place for everyone.”

Every year, your gifts of support ensure that 20,000 people receive food hampers during their time of need. You show them that they are worth it, that they matter, that they are not alone. Thank you for giving. Thank you for caring!

Posted on: August 14th, 2020

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