It took just one crisis – a workplace accident – to change everything for Adam, leading him on a journey to addiction and homelessness.
Adam’s life changed in just one moment, when he fell from a roof on a construction site.
In some ways, he was lucky – his injuries (broken ribs, a twisted back and an injured spleen) weren’t life-threatening.
But in other ways, he wasn’t so lucky. That’s because his doctor prescribed opiates for his pain and Adam quickly became addicted.
His doctor noticed Adam had a problem before he did – and cut him off cold turkey. Adam went through horrible withdrawal symptoms.
“It was like the worst flu you could get, times 10. I couldn’t sleep or function. I just wanted it to stop.”
Somehow, Adam managed to keep on working through the pain.
“Since coming to the shelter, I’ve received all kinds of help – getting new IDs, applying for financial support, and having people around me who care. I feel good today. I feel that things can get better.”
But one day, in a desperate moment, Adam gave in and turned to street drugs. “At that moment in my life, there was only one thing I cared about – finding relief from the pain.”
Adam soon lost everything he cared about, including his home and his two young children.
“The day I left my home, I left with nothing. No clothes, no money, no ID. I had nothing, even though I had worked hard all my life. My life was falling apart around me, and I couldn’t even make myself care.”
Soon, Adam found his way to House of Friendship’s Shelter.
Thanks to your support, Adam not only has shelter but also receives wraparound care, including medical support to manage his cravings and staff help to find an affordable place to call home.
You are helping Adam to get a fresh start, and to find the strength to begin again!
To read more of Adam’s story, please visit www.houseoffriendship.org/HelpAdam.
Posted on: December 12th, 2022