Karina, Jose, Elian and Isaac enjoyed a special holiday meal last Christmas thanks to your support of the Rotary Turkey Drive.
Karina and her husband Jose came to Canada in search of a better life for their children, Elian (11) and Isaac (9).
They just didn’t realize how expensive everything would be.
While Jose had a good job at a landscaping company, everything in Canada cost more than their home country of Mexico – from housing to groceries. Karina was still looking for a job when they realized they needed help.
“We had brought some savings from Mexico. But we didn’t really think it would be like this. And with two kids who are growing and eating so much, it was really hard,” said Karina.
The family was able to get food through House of Friendship’s food distribution program, and Karina eventually found work, delivering medicine through a local pharmacy.
Karina also found a way to give back, through volunteering at the food program.
When it came time for Christmas, Karina and Jose wanted to enjoy a special holiday meal with their family. But Jose had fewer hours of work in the middle of winter, making it out of reach.
“Christmas is a very special celebration in Mexico,” said Karina. “We go to church for mass, and we thank God for our family, for food, for everything. And then we have the big Christmas dinner, with all of the family.”
Karina’s family was able to have that special holiday meal, thanks to your support of the Rotary Turkey Drive.
“It made such a difference for us to have that ham, and the gift card, so we could buy what we needed for our Christmas supper,” said Karina. “This year, my family came from Mexico, and we could celebrate together.”
Karina also kept another family tradition alive. Back home in Mexico, Karina, Jose and their two children would regularly volunteer. And in Canada, it was no different.
“It was a chance for our kids to see that other people need help,” said Karina. “When we lived in Mexico, we thought there was no need in Canada. We were very surprised, coming from a developing country and realizing not everyone lived in luxury here. We didn’t know that.
Some places, you could see that if they didn’t get a turkey delivered, they weren’t going to be able to celebrate Christmas, and it would be just like a regular day,” said Karina. “They were so grateful.”
Thank you for your ongoing care and compassion, ensuring that everyone has a place at the table this holiday season.