
The “House” is a Good House

Chris has a place to call home, thanks to your support.

It still doesn’t seem real to Chris.

He has a home of his own, for the first time in years – thanks to you!

Chris, an amputee who has served in the military, has spent the last two-and-a-half years looking for an accessible apartment that he could afford.

While he was waiting, Chris stayed at our Charles Street Men’s Shelter, (affectionately nicknamed The House) where he received one-on-one help from his worker Shawn.

Because of your faithful support, Chris was able to find his new home – a fully accessible and affordable apartment in Cambridge.

“When I first saw the apartment, I was overwhelmed. I didn’t think I would get it,” said Chris, who had been disappointed so many times during his housing search. Even the first few nights, Chris couldn’t sleep and would get up to visit his living room – just to make sure it was real.

Staying in the Shelter for as long as Chris did proved difficult in so many ways.

“It’s frustrating – if you don’t have a structure or any kind of daily routine, it is hard to handle,” said Chris. “You don’t have any real choice on how you live out your days.”

Even something as simple as choosing what to eat is a huge source of joy for Chris. One of his first meals involved frying up a huge batch of sizzling bacon and eggs.

For Chris, while his time at House of Friendship was challenging, he is also thankful to you for
giving him a new start!

“The House is a good house,” said Chris. “It’s where you get picked up, dusted off, and put on your way again.”

Thank you for helping men and veterans like Chris start again after giving so much for our country!

Posted on: August 21st, 2020

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