Girls & Boys in Leadership provides opportunities for youth to develop their leadership skills, as well as their confidence.
Christine struggled finding a place in this world for her daughter, Grace.
Grace, who has autism, had enrolled in a number of programs in the past, never finding a true fit. It had gotten to the point where she didn’t want to try anything new. She would rather just stay home, where she felt safe.
But when Grace took a chance on Girls in Leadership, a House of Friendship program offered at Kingsdale Community Centre and funded by the Astley Family Foundation, Christine saw her daughter begin to change.
“She had the chance to connect with the leaders, to meet them before the program began, and that made all the difference,” said Christine.
The flexible and accessible way the program leaders reached out to Grace made her feel comfortable enough to get involved.
“Her confidence grew while she was there. Grace started coming out of her comfort zone and was willing to try new things,” said Christine.
Girls & Boys in Leadership provides mentoring opportunities for youth in grades 7 to 9. In addition, thanks to your donations, our other programs in low-income neighbourhoods also provide vital supports to Change the Odds for these kids, to help them overcome the barriers that poverty creates.
Now 15, Grace is moving on to new leadership opportunities, joining a small group where she will further hone her ability to plan and lead programs.
Grace has already completed her 40 hours of required volunteering for high school, regularly helping out with many programs at Kingsdale Community Centre.
Having the program in her own community, at no cost, removed barriers Christine faces as a single parent living on low income. Your support of these vital services is Changing the Odds for girls like Grace.
“Her confidence grew so much. She thinks she can rule the world now!”
Your financial support is crucial to develop future leaders through our Neighbourhoods programs. Thank you for helping to Change the Odds for these children as they move toward a better future, filled with potential and possibility.