Bernardo, Brenda, Vittienzo, Vitor and Maria Luiza are getting ready to experience their first winter in Canada.
Brenda and her family will soon experience their first winter in Canada.
When they first arrived, Brenda noticed that her children were struggling with making friends. They were also missing their life back home in Brazil.
“The most important thing for us is that they can fit in here, even if they are homesick, that they can be comfortable in their new community.”
She wanted her children to have some after-school activities they could enjoy, but knew their budget wouldn’t stretch far enough.
Brenda reached out to her House of Friendship Family Outreach Worker, Laura, and was connected to the Kid Sport Canada program, which provides funding for children living on low income for recreational activities.
Vincenzo, her oldest, is now learning taekwondo, while Bernardo is looking forward to swimming. And all of the children are getting ready to take skating lessons – vital to life in Canada.
Brenda, who still struggles with English, needed Laura’s help to fill out the forms and get approval for the funding.
“If I didn’t have her to fill out the forms, our children wouldn’t be able to play these sports,” said Brenda. “And now they are happier. Now they are starting to see Canada as home.”
Your support of Neighbourhoods programs is vital to help families like Brenda’s get the help they need as newcomers to our community. Thank you for your compassionate, faithful support!
Posted on: December 22nd, 2023