
You Can “Change the Odds” for Families Living in Poverty

Gail Martin, Kathy and Dwight Storring, and Tasneem Jamal and her daughters Mia and Lily were among the attendees at this year’s Friendship Dinner.

We all have potential.

Yet, some families are not able to reach their potential because poverty stacks the odds against them.

Research says that families living on low income regularly face a struggle for food, fewer opportunities for education, more health problems and a shorter life span. The odds say that if poverty continues their future will be hard.

At this year’s Friendship Dinner, guests learned how they can change the odds for families living in poverty, by supporting our preventative work in low-income neighbourhoods Region-wide including House of Friendship’s Family Outreach Program, programming at four community centres and our Summer Camp Sponsorship program.

Executive director John Neufeld shared his own insights on the challenges facing children in poverty. He pointed to the three “E’s” that can have a tremendous impact on a child’s future – Economics, Experience and Environment. Without intervention, children who experience difficulty in any of these areas are much more likely to struggle as adults.

“With your support of our preventative Neighbourhoods work, you can change the odds for families living in poverty,” said Neufeld.

The audience was also charmed by Fredlyne, who is thriving in her community, in part because of the support she receives from our Courtland Shelley Community Centre program. Find her story at www.houseoffriendship. org/changing-the-odds.

The evening also included guest speaker Tasneem Jamal, who shared her family’s harrowing journey from Uganda to Kitchener during the terrifying reign of Idi Amin, as shared in her novel, Where the Air is Sweet.

We hope to see you at next year’s Friendship Dinner, to celebrate 80 years of Stronger Together!

Posted on: December 21st, 2018

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