
You Are There for Jitendra

Jitendra and Lisa are making it through an incredibly difficult season, thanks to you.

For Jitendra, every day is a struggle.

It hasn’t always been this way. 

Until two years ago, he was working full-time as a general machinist at a Kitchener manufacturer, and making good money. He was able to make ends meet, and support his wife Lisa and their two children.

Then tragedy struck.

Lisa collapsed after suffering a massive stroke that left her in a coma for several months. She was only 39 years old. She is still in hospital to this day, and has a long recovery ahead of her.

“Who predicts a sickness like this? Who plans for something like this? I didn’t know what to do,” said Jitendra.

Every day, Jitendra visits Lisa at her bedside, after getting his children off to school. 

“I have to be a mom and a dad,” said Jitendra. “It’s hard.”

Jitendra has been unable to work since 2019. His unemployment payments barely cover his monthly rent, with less than $300 left over. To make it even worse, some close family members fraudulently claimed the Canada Child Benefits for Jitendra’s children, a mess that is still being sorted out.  There’s never enough money to meet all his needs.

Because of you, Jitendra and his family are getting help! He can get food close to home thanks to our neighbourhood food distribution program at Kingsdale Community Centre. Your support also ensured that Jitendra and his family were able to celebrate with a special meal during the holiday season, through the Christmas Hamper program.

“I’m trying to be there for my wife and my two angels,” said Jitendra. “Not having to worry about food makes it easier.”

“In life, you never know what could happen, or what someone is going through until it happens to you.”

And while his daily life is filled with difficulty, Jitendra still looks forward in hope. He knows he is not alone!

“God bless your helping hands,” said Jitendra. “I’m very, very grateful for the help we received. I don’t know where we would be without it.”

Posted on: December 17th, 2021

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