
Your Support is Changing the Odds

Precious (right) enjoys day camp activities with her friend Savannah. Precious’ mom, Sarah, said that programs like this one at Courtland Shelley Community Centre are changing the odds for her family.

Sarah is focused on one goal these days – finishing her studies, and geting a job as a personal support worker.

She can see the goal on the horizon – after several years of study, Sarah hopes to complete her training this December.

“I can’t wait to work,” said Sarah.

Sarah, 33, came to Canada 9 years ago with her aunt, after leaving her home country of Liberia by way of Ghana. She found a new home and life at Courtland Shelley Community Centre, one of four community centres in Waterloo Region whose programming is provided by House of Friendship.

As a single mother of two children – Victor, 14, and Precious, 6 – the help that she has received at Courtland Shelley, thanks to your support, has made all the difference to her young family.
“Without this community centre, it would have been very difficult to go to school, to improve my situation,” said Sarah. “It helps a lot.”

Precious loves to attend day camp during the summer, and after-school programs in the fall. She especially likes the reading group, where she improves her own reading skills while connecting with other children her age.

Victor, 14, participates in youth activities, and volunteered at Fraser Lake camp last summer, gaining valuable life experience that will help him when it comes time to find a job.

These programs have given Sarah flexibility for running errands or finishing her homework. She has also made strong community connections at a women’s group at the centre.

“We learn from each other,” said Sarah. “We get to know each other, our different cultures, and learn how to deal with stress. We help each other.”

Your generous support is changing the odds for families like Sarah. Thank you!

Posted on: September 21st, 2018

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