
Stories to Share

Volunteer’s Passion to Reduce Waste Provides More Food for Families

Posted on: April 18th, 2019

Volunteer Christine Babin has found a way to stretch food that is handed out to families in need at Kingsdale Community Centre. When she first began volunteering, she was concerned by the leftover fruit and vegetables going to the compost pile. So she started using her own equipment, including a food processor and vacuum sealer, […]

You Can Help Send More Children to Camp

Posted on: April 5th, 2019

Camp makes a difference that lasts for a lifetime. When children attend summer camp, they can gain the tools and skills they need to succeed later in life. Children grow in self-confidence and resilience and have a greater ability to resist the challenges they might be facing. For families living on low income, camp is […]

Coming Back from Tragedy – Clint and Joanie Malarchuk Share Their Story

Posted on: March 29th, 2019

Clint Malarchuk knows a thing or two about beginning again. The former NHL goaltender, most famous for surviving a skate blade to the neck (and returning to the ice 10 days later) has struggled back from post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and addiction. He also survived a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the skull, a suicide attempt […]

Thank You for Feeding Families in Need

Posted on: February 13th, 2019

This year’s Supermarket Blitz was a great success, thanks to you! On Saturday, Feb. 9, nearly 400 volunteers came together at 28 local stores to help feed families and individuals in need. Spuddy, Sweet and our Spud Family’s newest addition, Tater, were out in full force on Saturday, and were excited to see just how […]

Sharing the Gift of Food at Supermarket Blitz

Posted on: February 5th, 2019

This weekend, come see our caring community at its best, as hundreds of volunteers collect cash and potatoes at grocery stores for Supermarket Potato Blitz 2019, in support of House of Friendship’s Emergency Food Hampers. On Saturday, Feb. 9, approximately 400 volunteers will be on hand to receive cash and potato donations from the community, […]

80 Years of Stronger Together

Posted on: January 17th, 2019

Staff at House of Friendship celebrated its 80th birthday in the best way possible – by spending it together as a community. On Tuesday, Jan. 15, three separate celebrations were held throughout the day, with staff gathering to share stories,  reflect on the past, and look towards the future. The “House of Friendship For All […]

Hope and Healing for the McKenna Family

Posted on: January 11th, 2019

“When Damien went in to 174 King, I had lost hope. I was looking for him to be someone else’s problem.” When Eileen McKenna’s husband Damien entered House of Friendship’s men’s residential addiction treatment program, she was ready to move on. She was ready for a new chapter in her life.  She never thought her family […]

Getting Closer to Home

Posted on: December 28th, 2018

Every day we get a little Closer to Home in Cambridge – thanks to you! So much is taking place at 562 Concession Road, home of House of Friendship’s future men’s residential addiction treatment facility that these few photos don’t quite do it justice. It couldn’t be a busier hive of activity these days. Floor […]

You Can “Change the Odds” for Families Living in Poverty

Posted on: December 21st, 2018

We all have potential. Yet, some families are not able to reach their potential because poverty stacks the odds against them. Research says that families living on low income regularly face a struggle for food, fewer opportunities for education, more health problems and a shorter life span. The odds say that if poverty continues their […]

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