
Stories to Share

Sheltercare is Making a Difference!

Posted on: September 22nd, 2023

It’s been an incredible journey at our new ShelterCare facility in Waterloo! Since moving in earlier this year, our ShelterCare team has been working closely with our community partners to support men experiencing homelessness. Thanks to your compassionate, caring support, 100 men are now receiving health-care, addiction and mental health supports. These men are getting […]

Getting a Second Chance, Thanks to You!

Posted on: September 8th, 2023

Sherry left home when she was only 16 years old. It was her birthday. Her dad kicked her out after Sherry held a party when her parents were away. There was no second chance. As far back as she could remember, Sherry’s life had always been unstable – both of her parents struggled with alcohol […]

Celebrating Pandemic Recovery at House of Friendship – $150,000 Grant from Ontario Trillium Foundation Helps Rebuild Connection and Community

Posted on: August 4th, 2023

MEDIA RELEASE Aug. 2, 2023 Kitchener, ON – On Wednesday, staff and residents of Eby Village and Charles Village gathered in their newly renovated Activity Room to share a collaborative art project. Together, they celebrated the chance to come together as a community after experiencing the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. At the […]

A Circle of Belonging and Connection

Posted on: August 4th, 2023

Every week, newcomers to the community meet at Sunnydale Community Centre to take part in an English conversation circle. Barbara and Evelyn, two volunteers who lead the group, said it’s often about much more than trying to learn to speak English more fluently – it’s about finding a community. “I think it’s less about the […]

Giving A Gift that Lives On

Posted on: July 28th, 2023

For Catherine and Terry Gitzel, the idea that children in their own community were hungry was shocking. “To think that 10 minutes from our home, there are children going to school without breakfast, it just didn’t make sense,” said Catherine. “It’s not supposed to happen here.” Catherine found this out when looking for ways to […]

Scholarship to “Change the Odds” for students

Posted on: July 25th, 2023

A life-changing scholarship will make it easier for young students living on low income to achieve a university education. The House of Friendship Leadership Scholarship, made possible through a substantial grant from the Lyle S. Hallman Foundation, will help two high school students connected to House of Friendship programs attend University of Waterloo while living […]

A Chance to Lead

Posted on: July 7th, 2023

By the time Steffon was only 16 years old, he had already been arrested several times. He constantly got into fights and found it nearly impossible to control his temper. As a child growing up in Guyana, Steffon was diagnosed with epilepsy. But it wasn’t until he arrived in Canada many years later that he […]

House of Friendship’s 84th AGM

Posted on: June 23rd, 2023

It was amazing to see so many of you at this year’s Annual General Meeting and Strawberry Social at Catalyst 137! On Monday, June 19, more than 200 community members gathered together for our 84th AGM  and enjoyed a time of connection and community, and enjoyed the chance to learn more about the impact of […]

You Are Providing Help When Tragedy Strikes

Posted on: June 23rd, 2023

Every week, Elizabeth volunteers to hand out food to her fellow community members at Forest Heights Community Centre. “I try to keep my mind off my troubles,” said Elizabeth, with translation help from Shahlaa, a House of Friendship team member. “I like volunteering – it helps.” Elizabeth came to Canada 20 years ago, leaving behind […]

The Love Language of Basketball

Posted on: May 5th, 2023

“I wish I could play all the time,” said Mercy. “I love coming here and seeing my coaches and friends, and meeting new people.” “If I didn’t come here, I’d probably just stay home and watch TV,” said Emily. Mercy and Emily are both 11, and come from different communities – Mercy lives near Victoria […]

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