
Stories to Share

We All Have a Responsibility

Posted on: April 19th, 2024

“I think we all have a duty, a responsibility to the community we live in.” Brandon Strnad became a monthly donor at House of Friendship because of this belief – and because of the challenges he faced as a child. “I had a rough childhood,” said Brandon. “I could have turned out a lot differently.” […]

You are Providing A Fresh Start for Joan

Posted on: April 12th, 2024

Joan* doesn’t know where she would be without House of Friendship. Every week, Joan receives food deliveries through the Kingsdale Neighbourhood Food program – delivered to her door because Joan is unable to pick it up herself. Joan has been living in Kitchener since 2016. She moved here suddenly after escaping horrific abuse. For a […]

You Were There for Oumar!

Posted on: April 5th, 2024

Do you remember that feeling of not fitting in? Of not belonging? That’s what it was like for Oumar and his family, as newcomers to Canada. They arrived from Iraq in 2003, just days before the American invasion. They had to leave everything behind and start over. While Oumar was just a baby when he […]

“This Place Saved My Life”

Posted on: February 12th, 2024

Brent was no stranger to addiction. At 61, he had already enjoyed 26 years of sobriety as a recovering alcoholic. But when he was diagnosed with throat cancer and prescribed narcotics, Brent didn’t realize how dangerous that was. “I knew nothing about painkillers,” said Brent. “I had no idea.” Initially, the pills did what they […]

Finding a Place to Belong

Posted on: December 22nd, 2023

Brenda and her family will soon experience their first winter in Canada. When they first arrived, Brenda noticed that her children were struggling with making friends. They were also missing their life back home in Brazil. “The most important thing for us is that they can fit in here, even if they are homesick, that […]

You are There for Jen

Posted on: December 15th, 2023

When Jen sits down at Christmas with a holiday feast she has prepared for her family, she feels thankful. Thankful that, thanks to your support, she can provide something special for her children that one day of the year.  “It’s a sense of relief. I’m here, my kids are here, and we’re together. I did […]

Finding Value in Being a Helper

Posted on: December 8th, 2023

John is rediscovering what it is like to be a helper. John, one of our ShelterCare participants, has found meaningful ways to give back during his time with us, including encouraging and supporting other participants. “One night, I stayed up for 30 hours just talking to someone,” said John. “It reminded me of when I […]

“We’re Not That Different”

Posted on: November 17th, 2023

  “Get a job, you loser.” Mark* still remembers how it felt when an angry man hurled this insult at him as he was getting ready to sleep in his car. The reality was Mark was working at the time – he just didn’t have anywhere else to go. The sad truth is that so […]

Dignified Treatment that Works

Posted on: October 6th, 2023

Robin was only 12 when he had his first drink. Even then, he knew it was trouble. That euphoric feeling came over me, and I was terrified. I knew right away to keep it a secret.” Robin grew up around family and friends who struggled with alcohol. “It was a real party culture that I […]

Finding A Place of Belonging

Posted on: September 29th, 2023

“I want to share what’s been a part of my life with others. You only get to keep what you give away.” That’s the philosophy that Will Stoltz lives by. At 82 years old, it has served him well. Growing up, Will was a self-described introvert, and struggled to connect with others. That changed with […]

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