
Stories to Share

Finding a Place to Belong

Posted on: April 28th, 2023

Razuma knows first-hand what a difference it makes to have a place to belong. Over the years, her family has received support through House of Friendship’s Neighbourhoods programs, including summer camp for Razuma and her siblings, and food when money was tight. “House of Friendship has always provided that safe community for families,” said Razuma. “All […]

Not Alone Anymore

Posted on: April 27th, 2023

When Megan first realized she needed help to feed her son, it broke her heart. “My mom had never asked for help when we were growing up, even though we struggled,” said Megan. “Here I was, years later, asking for help. It was hard. I felt like I was failing my son. I felt like […]

House of Friendship’s Innovative ShelterCare Facility Set to Open

Posted on: January 19th, 2023

MEDIA RELEASE House of Friendship is set to open its innovative new ShelterCare facility in Waterloo later this month, where 100 men will receive 24/7 care and onsite health and housing supports. “We’re thrilled to be able to provide this new approach to emergency shelter in Waterloo Region, as one more piece of the puzzle […]

ShelterCare’s Home is Coming Soon!

Posted on: December 30th, 2022

We know you, as our closest supporters, are eagerly anticipating the opening of our new ShelterCare location in Waterloo (190 Weber St. N.).  Given the urgent need for shelter spaces in Waterloo Region, we continue to do all we can to see the completion of these renovations as quickly as possible. While the extent of […]

Unleashing Creativity in Youth

Posted on: December 23rd, 2022

This summer, youth at Courtland Shelley Community Centre were able to come together over their love of music – and emerge with new skills that showcase their talents and creativity!  These young musicians learned how to record their music, thanks to a partnership between the City of Kitchener and House of Friendship called the Creative […]

Embracing the Season of Giving

Posted on: December 19th, 2022

With the holiday season well underway, so is the Christmas Food Program. Hundreds of volunteers participated in the delivery blitz last week, ensuring gift cards, turkeys, hams, and halal chickens were delivered to low-income families in Kitchener and Waterloo. The dedication of more than 600 volunteers ensures that over 4,000 families will have a holiday […]

A Legacy of Love – Past, Present and Future!

Posted on: December 16th, 2022

For Juanita Metzger and Trent Bauman, House of Friendship is a significant part of their life story. That’s because they met each other years ago at House of Friendship’s Annual General Meeting – during the strawberry social!  “We just happened to sit down beside each other, and then just started chatting, and the rest is […]

One Moment Changed Everything

Posted on: December 12th, 2022

Adam’s life changed in just one moment, when he fell from a roof on a construction site.  In some ways, he was lucky – his injuries (broken ribs, a twisted back and an injured spleen) weren’t life-threatening.  But in other ways, he wasn’t so lucky. That’s because his doctor prescribed opiates for his pain and […]

Thank You Lexington Public School!

Posted on: December 7th, 2022

Following Thanksgiving this year, Lexington Public School’s Grade One and Two classes came up with an idea – to help those without holiday meals at Christmas.   This one idea resulted in a massive fundraiser operated by the students in partnership with Kernels Popcorn at Conestoga Mall. For five weeks, these classes collected popcorn orders […]

Our Team is Growing – Be a Part of Something Special!

Posted on: December 1st, 2022

We are thrilled to share that the House of Friendship team is growing! Big things are coming to our shelter program, and we are now hiring for several new, critical positions. At House of Friendship, we genuinely believe in what we are doing every day. We aim to make a difference for the members of our […]

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